Interviewing the Experts: Samantha Tradelius, Insurance Maven/ SparkleBoss /Co-founder of ComCov

Samantha Tradelius, Insurance Maven/ SparkleBoss /Co-founder of ComCov (Commercial Coverage Insurance Agency)

3 Things You Will Learn from this Interview:

-How Samantha settled in on their niche in the insurance industry.

- What unique way they run their agency that allowed them to scale.

-What book she highly recommends everyone reads!

-BONUS: How she prioritizes her tasks among her business, non-profit, and instruction business...more people should think like this🙂

Samantha Tradelius is a commercial property insurance broker and the co-founder of Commercial Coverage Insurance Agency, where she leans on her 24 years of industry experience to assist women-owned businesses with risk management.

She’s also the award-winning founder of The Sparkle Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to helping single women throughout the Bay Area, the Inland Empire, and the Cities of Los Angeles and Sacramento.

Her mission to support and uplift women shines through every project Samantha takes on. With The Sparkle Foundation and its resource arm, SparkleBiz, Samantha provides financial aid for enrichment programs, microloans for female-owned small businesses, and access to a large, connected network. Since its founding in 2016, The Sparkle Foundation has raised more than $1 million—with every dollar reinvested in the community.

Her latest project, S. By Samantha Inc., is all about giving real-life women a voice. She hosts the weekly InspiHER’d podcast, shares a monthly roundup featuring female-founded brands, and wrote a joyful book, Impact: Stories of Change Makers, Creators, and Everyday Women Doing Extraordinary Work.

When she’s not dazzling the insurance industry or celebrating women, Samantha’s raising two incredible daughters, finding ways to make a difference out there every day and living a life of purpose. Find out what she’s up to now at